After reading this article about HTML, I understand the concepts behind presentational and semantic mark-up, as well as the importance of differentiating between them.
I learned that semantic mark-up within HTML has to do with the logic and meaning behind the content of the website. It should not be used to style a website, but rather to assign contextual meaning to information and the way it is laid out.
For example, heading tags (<h1> through <h6>) should be used to denote the order of headings and not the size. Although <h1> generates bigger text, it should not be used to make the third heading in your code bigger.
Presentational related objectives, such as making the third heading of your page bigger, should be created in CSS. Style sheets are used to assign visual attributes to the content in a website.
It is crucial to use semantic mark-up for a variety of reasons. Not only does it create hierarchical organization, it also allows for disabled people to understand the layout and meaning of a website.
Semantic mark-up is necessary for screen readers to be able to communicate the meaning of content accurately to visually disabled people.
For example, if a word is set in bold <b>, it gives little to no direction as to how to communicate said word. With the semantic tag <strong>, a screen reader knows to say the word in a powerful way with heightened emotion.
Semantic mark-up directly relates to Section 508 in that it allows disabled people to access information from websites.
It is a non-discriminatory way of presenting and communicating information to everyone.
Very thoughtful and clear, Meagan!!